Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Day 32: Santa Cruz, Ca to Big Basin Redwoods State Park

Hey everyone!

Well that morning I had breakfast and headed to the bathroom realized they were locked! So after thinking for a few minutes with no other bathroom in sight I just decided to dig a hole we'll just leave it at that lol! 
Well after that I decided to stop check out Sunset beach before heading out.
After that I made my way back to the road and saw this funny sign on the way out.
After about 8 miles I made my way to Santa Cruz, Ca what a neat place!
I spent quite awile here taking a break and enjoying the view! There were also lots of surfers out in the water catching some waves.
I lost track of time while I was in Santa Cruz I ended up staying on that bench over an hour so I hit the road after traveling on hwy for awile I saw this memorial spot off the road and decided to check it out. It was for Joshua Raine Laven who was tragically killed by a hit and run driver while biking the hwy 1 on May 4th 2012 here's a link to the story for more info: http://santacruz.patch.com/groups/joan-leitners-blog/p/bp--memorial-ghost-bike-for-josh-laven-removed-not-wa0c6f0511b3
Well I hit the hwy again for some more sceneic views.
After this point I kept pedaling It started to get dark and I was still 30 miles away from Half Moon Bay so I pulled in to one of the beach lookouts to look at my map and saw a ranger so I flagged them down and asked them if there was anywhare near by I could camp at and she told me there was a horse camp in Big Basin Redwoods state park that I could just go camp at for 10$! So after thanking her I made my way there! I had the whole place to myself it was an amazing place I even found a power outlet at the ranger station whare I could charge my battary pack so I paid the 10$ at the self pay station and got my camp set up. 
They have a spot to put your horses or Bikes if you feel inclined!
After I got set up I had the same problem I did at sunset beach the bathrooms were locked!
Well I stayed up for awile enjoying the night sky before heading to bed it was very quiet and peaceful. Well that's it for this chapter thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. I Love you sense of humor Matt...this made me laugh out loud! Your blog is awesome! Your friends are lucky to know you, and so am I...keep up the great blogging and have wonderful adventures until I see you again...can't wait!
